Most hooomans seem to be of the opinion that cats can't understand or speak the hoooman language. This is not so - we understand everything hooomans say but we just ignore most of it.
We are quite able to telepathically transmit replies to questions, random thoughts and whole conversations to our hooomans - alas they are just too stupid to receive the messages. Some hooomans are smarter than others - one really brainy hoooman was a guy called Einstein. He discovered stuff that most hooomans do not really understand.
Einstein said of his fellow man -
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
Some cats REALLY hate stupid hooomans this is my cousin Cyril. |
I think that it is just about time for a little nap. Hoooman looks tired too - might let her sleep on my bed (she thinks that it is her bed!)
Speak to you - my adoring fans later.
Frankie (and stupid Merlin - my sister)
We were thinking of getting a sign like this for outside the house. |